The Mongolian Mixed Martial Arts Federation (MMMAF) successfully organized its first Referee Seminar on August 26, 2024. Aimed at refining the skills and expanding the knowledge of judges and referees, the seminar was led by Ms. Khaliun Battulga, a judge at ONE Championship.
Ms. Khaliun, a former Muay Thai and MMA athlete, has been working with ONE Championship, one of the world’s leading MMA promotions, since 2022. During the seminar, she shared her extensive experience and expertise with participants from the MMMAF, providing valuable insights into international judging and refereeing standards.
At the conclusion of the seminar, Mr. Munkhsaihan Tsetsegmaa, Head of the MMMAF’s Referee Commission, awarded certificates to all participants and extended his best wishes for their future work. The MMMAF has announced plans to organize a series of workshops and seminars in the future to further improve the skills and knowledge of MMA referees and coaches. This initiative marks an important step in enhancing the professionalism and quality of MMA officiating in Mongolia.